I am a Mechatronics Engineer by training and a Fullstack Software Engineer.
So I decided to go away from NoSQL databases and write raw SQL to strengthen my grip on backend technologies. Setting up Postgres was a bit daunting...
In today's digital era, the need for online payment solutions is paramount, driven by the rapid evolution of diverse industries. However, developing a...
I used to think I knew Generics until I saw its application in a codebase and it dawned on me that my knowledge of it may be just recognition based...
Animations with GSAP at first can be daunting and frustrating but with a good grasp of GSAP, it gives a superpower kind of feeling. The GreenSock...
What is CQS: Command Query Separation (CQS) is a software design principle that states that methods should either be commands (which perform an action...
The first time I heard about Solid it sounded really scary, however, I was able to adapt after a few studies and practical experimentation. S.O.L.I.D...